Welcome to Lakehill Preschool

Lakehill Preschool

At Lakehill Preschool, we believe that learning should be a fun and engaging experience for both children and parents. Our co-operative preschool, located in Saanich near the corner of Cedar Hill Cross Road and Cedar Hill Road, brings together the vibrant community of families in our area.

What sets us apart is our emphasis on active parent participation. We encourage parents to get involved in their child's education, whether it's volunteering in the classroom, or by contributing their unique skills and talents. This not only enhances the learning experience for the children but also creates a strong sense of community among families.

By working together, parents and teachers form a dynamic partnership that nurtures the growth and development of each child. Parent participation not only helps to reduce costs but also allows parents to play a hands-on role in their child's early education journey.

Join us at Lakehill Preschool, where we celebrate the joy of learning, creativity, and community through active parent participation!

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